Multi-Threading 現在已經是一種普遍應用的技術, 但是對初次接觸的人來說, 並不是那麼容易上手.手上有一個測試程式, 用這個例子做個說明, 並且提供一個完整框架.
這個例子是透過 USB, 取得一個 Frame (畫面), 做一些計算處理, 同時顯示到螢幕上. 所謂的同時, 是說計算處理並不和顯示有直接相關. 計算主要是計算它的解像力, Lens Shading, 這些計算比較耗時, 結果並不需要更新到畫面. 顯示的目的只是提供操作人員可以看到畫面.
由這樣的應用目的, 可以導出如下的需求:
- 盡力收取影像, 提高計算部分的 frame rate –> 效率考量.
- 計算或顯示如果運算來不及, 可以放棄目前收進來的 frame.
- frame 必須完整. 計算完成前, 影像資料不能被更動.
為了因應這三個不同的工作內容( 取得影像, 計算, 顯示), 程式部分區分成 3 個 thread.
- Master Thread, 身兼管理其他 thread 的任務. 同步機制, 分配記憶體, 取得影像, 發送影像. 以及結束後收拾殘局.
- Computing Thread. 默默地計算影像資料.
- Display Thread. 更新影像到螢幕上.
Computing Thread 及 Display Thread 在這個例子中是一樣的. 程式的流程簡單說明如下
- CMasterThread ( 封裝 MasterThread . 及相關變數)
- CMasterThread::Create() 嘗試建立 CMasterThread 物件, 並啟動 CMasterThread 的 ThreadFunction
- CMasterThread::ThreadFunction() 為 ComputingThread, DisplayThread 配置同步物件, CriticalSection, Event, Image Buffer.
- CMasterThread::ThreadFunction() 建立 Shutdown 作為通知所有 Thread 系統即將關閉的同步機制.
- CMasterThread::ThreadFunction() 啟動 Display Thread
- CMasterThread::ThreadFunction() 啟動 Computing Thread
- -- 此時 Display Thread, Computing Thread 雖已啟動, 但會等不到資料 ready 的 event, 而進入等待狀態
- CMasterThread::ThreadFunction() 配置接收記憶體
- -- 此時 CMasterThread::ThreadFunction() 會等待 bStart 的旗標. 此旗標會由外部透過 CMasterThread::Start() 設定. 這樣的做法是可以讓外部準確的控制起跑時間.
- 起跑之後, CMasterThread::ThreadFunction() 進入迴圈
- bStop 旗標, 此旗標由外部控制是否繼續執行. 若不繼續執行, 則進行停止的程序.
- 首先, 先取得一個 Frame
- 以 TryEnterCriticalSection 嘗試鎖定 Computing 的 Buffer, 如果可以鎖定, 表示 Computing Thread 沒有在使用中, 所以可以更新資料. 如果不能鎖定, 表示 Computing Thread 在使用中. 放棄這次的更新.
- 設定 Computing Thread 的 data available event. Computing Thread 會因而喚起, 開始處理.
- 同樣的嘗試更新 Display Thread
- 開始關閉程序
- 設定 Shutdown event. Computing Thread 及 Display Thread 收到後會結束執行.
- 等到 Computing Thread 及 Display Thread 都結束.
- 關閉同步物件, 移除配置的記憶體.
- 由外部呼叫 Clean() 釋放 CMasterThread 物件
** 注意, 程式中沒有資料處理, 而是以隨機的 Sleep() 來產生不同的時間差, 以測試程式的穩定性.
** Source code 的 plug-in 好像壞掉了. 可以由此取得完整專案 source code
程式列表 :
[sourcecode language='cpp' ] #include <process.h> #include <windows.h> #include <string> #define BUFFER_SIZE (16 * 1024 * 1024 ) typedef struct tagTHREAD_INFO { std::string szName; HANDLE hHandle; DWORD dwID; CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection; HANDLE hDataAvailable; unsigned long nFrameIndex; unsigned char * pBuffer; } THREAD_INFO, *LPTHREAD_INFO; class CMasterThread { private: CMasterThread(); ~CMasterThread(); HANDLE hThread; unsigned threadID; public: static CMasterThread* Create(); static void Clean(); static unsigned __stdcall ThreadFunction(void* pArguments); void Start(); void Stop(); BOOL bStart; BOOL bStop; HANDLE hShutdown; THREAD_INFO DisplayInfo; THREAD_INFO ComputingInfo; }; [/sourcecode]
[sourcecode language='cpp' gutter='false'] #include "stdafx.h" #include "MasterThread.h" #define WAIT_FRAME_TIME ( 100 ) #define COMPUTING_TIME ( 50 ) #define DISPLAY_TIME ( 50 ) const static char EVENT_COMPUTING[] = "ComputingDataAvailable"; const static char EVENT_DISPLAY[] = "DisplayDataAvailable"; static CMasterThread* pMasterThread = NULL; unsigned __stdcall DisplayThreadFunction( void* pArguments ) { LPTHREAD_INFO pInfo = (LPTHREAD_INFO) pArguments; printf( "\tDisplay Thread Launch ...\n" ); HANDLE hDataEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, false, EVENT_DISPLAY); while( TRUE ) { HANDLE Wait[] = { pMasterThread->hShutdown, pInfo->hDataAvailable }; DWORD dwWait = WaitForMultipleObjects(sizeof(Wait)/sizeof(HANDLE), Wait, FALSE, INFINITE); if (dwWait != (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)) { printf("\tDisplay Thread Exit ...\n"); return 0; } if ( TryEnterCriticalSection( & pInfo->CriticalSection ) != 0) { Sleep( DISPLAY_TIME ); printf( "\tDisplay Thread Frame %d\n", pInfo->nFrameIndex); if (pInfo->pBuffer[0] != (pInfo->nFrameIndex & 0xFF)) printf("\tDisplay Data dismatch\n"); int random_number = rand() % DISPLAY_TIME; printf("\tDisplay Time = %d\n", random_number); Sleep(random_number); if (pInfo->pBuffer[0] != (pInfo->nFrameIndex & 0xFF)) printf("\tDisplay Data overwritten\n"); LeaveCriticalSection ( &pInfo->CriticalSection ); ResetEvent(hDataEvent); } } printf( "\tDisplay Thread Shutdown ...\n" ); } unsigned __stdcall ComputingThreadFunction( void* pArguments ) { LPTHREAD_INFO pInfo = (LPTHREAD_INFO) pArguments; printf( "\tComputing Thread Launch ...\n" ); HANDLE hDataEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, false, EVENT_COMPUTING); while( TRUE ) { HANDLE Wait[] = { pMasterThread->hShutdown, hDataEvent }; DWORD dwWait = WaitForMultipleObjects(sizeof(Wait)/sizeof(HANDLE), Wait, FALSE, INFINITE); if ( dwWait != ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 +1)) { printf("\tComputing Thread Exit ...\n"); return 0; } if ( TryEnterCriticalSection( & pInfo->CriticalSection ) != 0) { printf("\tComputing Thread Frame %d\n", pInfo->nFrameIndex); if (pInfo->pBuffer[0] != (pInfo->nFrameIndex & 0xFF) ) printf("\tComputing Data dismatch\n"); int random_number = rand() % COMPUTING_TIME; printf("\tComputing Time = %d\n", random_number); Sleep(random_number); if (pInfo->pBuffer[0] != (pInfo->nFrameIndex & 0xFF)) printf("\tComputing Data overwritten\n"); LeaveCriticalSection(&pInfo->CriticalSection); ResetEvent(hDataEvent); } } printf( "\tComputing Thread Shutdown ...\n" ); } unsigned __stdcall CMasterThread::ThreadFunction( void* pArguments ) { printf( "Master Thread Launch ...\n" ); memset( &pMasterThread->DisplayInfo, 0, sizeof ( pMasterThread->DisplayInfo)); pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.szName = "Display"; InitializeCriticalSection( & pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.CriticalSection ); pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.hDataAvailable = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, EVENT_DISPLAY); pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.pBuffer = new unsigned char [ BUFFER_SIZE ]; memset( &pMasterThread->ComputingInfo, 0, sizeof ( pMasterThread->ComputingInfo)); pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.szName = "Display"; InitializeCriticalSection( & pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.CriticalSection ); pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.hDataAvailable = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, EVENT_COMPUTING); pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.pBuffer = new unsigned char [ BUFFER_SIZE ]; pMasterThread->hShutdown = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, "MasterShutdown" ); pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.hHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, &DisplayThreadFunction, &pMasterThread->DisplayInfo, 0, NULL ); pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.hHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, &ComputingThreadFunction, &pMasterThread->ComputingInfo, 0, NULL ); unsigned char * pFrameBuffer = new unsigned char [ BUFFER_SIZE ]; int FrameIndex = 0; while( ! pMasterThread->bStart) Sleep( 100 ); while( ! pMasterThread->bStop ) { int random_number = rand() % WAIT_FRAME_TIME; printf("Master Wait Frame = %d\n", random_number); Sleep(random_number); FrameIndex ++; printf( "Master Frame Index = %d\n", FrameIndex ); int FramePattern = FrameIndex & 0xFF; pFrameBuffer[0] = (unsigned char) FramePattern; // memset(pFrameBuffer, FramePattern, sizeof(unsigned char) * BUFFER_SIZE); if ( TryEnterCriticalSection( & pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.CriticalSection ) != 0) { // printf("Master Send to Computing = %d\n", FrameIndex); memcpy( pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.pBuffer, pFrameBuffer, sizeof( unsigned char ) * BUFFER_SIZE ); pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.nFrameIndex = FrameIndex; LeaveCriticalSection ( & pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.CriticalSection ); SetEvent( pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.hDataAvailable ); } if ( TryEnterCriticalSection( & pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.CriticalSection ) != 0) { // printf("Master Send to Display = %d\n", FrameIndex); memcpy( pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.pBuffer, pFrameBuffer, sizeof( unsigned char ) * BUFFER_SIZE ); pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.nFrameIndex = FrameIndex; LeaveCriticalSection ( & pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.CriticalSection ); SetEvent( pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.hDataAvailable ); } } printf( "Master Thread End Run\n"); SetEvent( pMasterThread->hShutdown ); HANDLE hWaitThread[] = { pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.hHandle, pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.hHandle }; WaitForMultipleObjects( sizeof(hWaitThread)/sizeof(HANDLE), hWaitThread, TRUE, INFINITE ); printf("Child Thread Exit\n"); CloseHandle( pMasterThread->hShutdown ); CloseHandle( pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.hDataAvailable ); DeleteCriticalSection( & pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.CriticalSection ); delete [] pMasterThread->ComputingInfo.pBuffer; CloseHandle( pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.hDataAvailable ); DeleteCriticalSection( & pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.CriticalSection ); delete [] pMasterThread->DisplayInfo.pBuffer; ResetEvent(pMasterThread->hShutdown); CloseHandle( pMasterThread->hShutdown); delete [] pFrameBuffer; return 0; } CMasterThread::CMasterThread() { } CMasterThread::~CMasterThread() { } CMasterThread* CMasterThread::Create() { if ( pMasterThread != NULL) return pMasterThread; pMasterThread = new CMasterThread; pMasterThread->bStart = FALSE; pMasterThread->bStop = FALSE; pMasterThread->hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, &ThreadFunction, NULL, 0, &pMasterThread->threadID ); return pMasterThread; } void CMasterThread::Clean() { if ( pMasterThread != NULL) delete pMasterThread; pMasterThread = NULL; } void CMasterThread::Start() { pMasterThread->bStart = TRUE; } void CMasterThread::Stop() { pMasterThread->bStop = TRUE; WaitForSingleObject( pMasterThread->hThread, INFINITE ); CloseHandle(pMasterThread->hThread); } [/sourcecode]
[sourcecode language='cpp' ] #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include "MasterThread.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); CMasterThread * pMasterThread = CMasterThread::Create(); Sleep(100); pMasterThread->Start(); Sleep(1000 * 5); pMasterThread->Stop(); CMasterThread::Clean(); } return 0; } [/sourcecode]