
2015年11月4日 星期三

[歌詞翻譯] Deep Purple, Soilder of fortune


除了歌曲本身以外, 這首歌對我來說, 有特別的意義.

YouTube 的連結, 歌曲也很好聽, 不過不要在夜深人靜的時候聽, 那種悲傷的氛圍, 很凍.


I have often told you stories about the way
I lived the life of a drifter waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
Then maybe you would say
Come lay with me and love me
And I would surely stay
But I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung echo in the distance
Like the sound of a windmill going round
Guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune.
Many times I've been a traveler I looked for something new
In days of old when nights were cold I wandered without you
But those days I thought my eyes had seen you standing near
Though blindness is confusing it shows that you're not here.
Now I feel I'm going older
And the songs that I have sung echo in the distance
Like the sound of a windmill going round
Guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune
Yes, I can hear the sound of a windmill going round
I guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune.
I guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune.



我常常跟你提起那一段我流浪著的故事, 直到那一天,我牽著你的手,為你唱歌. 也許你會說,留下來,愛我 。然後,我就會真的留下來。 但是,我感覺我正在老去, 而我唱過的歌,也只剩下遙遠的回音, 就像是迴盪在磨坊的低語, 我只能永遠當個傭兵戰士。

好幾次,我到處旅行,尋找新奇的事物。在古老的年代,冰冷的夜裡,我獨自漫遊。但是在那些日子裡,你的身影卻一直在我眼中,我盲目而且困惑,顯然你並不在這裡。現在,我覺得我正在老去,而我唱過的歌,也只剩下遙遠的回音, 就像是迴盪在磨坊的低語。我想,我會永遠是個傭兵戰士。

是的, 我仍然可以聽到磨坊的低語. 我想, 我只能永遠當個傭兵戰士。我想,我會永遠是個傭兵戰士。



因為你沒有說 “留下來,愛我", 所以我沒有留下來, 我只能繼續為了別人的目標戰鬥的傭兵人生.


